Nicholes Family Lawyers and JOY 94.9 hosted a Modern Family Legal Forum
June 2015
Part one of a four part series.
Co-parenting, Adoption and Foster Care aired on JOY 94.9
On Saturday 23 May 2015 Nicholes Family Lawyers and JOY 94.9 hosted a Modern Family Legal Forum. JOY 94.9‘s award winning broadcaster and radio producer, Dean Beck, interviewed several guests on important perspectives of LGBTI parenting issues and there was dynamic discussion amongst the various members of the audience who were all stakeholders in the community including representatives from Rainbow Families, Gay Dads, Melbourne IVF Clinic, Immigration Law Expert and Nicholes Family Lawyers (LGBTI team) speaking about all laws relating to the parentage of children born of same sex relationships, the role and rights of donors and the use of international sperm, co-parenting arrangements, adoption, foster care, surrogacy and visa issues. Speaking were also Vincent Papaleo Psychologist, Jacqui Tomlins the author the Resource Kit for Rainbow Families, LGBTI mums and dads and donors discussing their experiences (covering various scenarios such as co-parenting, foster care, adoption and surrogacy). Click the link to the podcast of the JOY 94.9 Modern Family Legal Forum which aired in June.
Tune in to JOY 94.9 next Sunday 21 June 2015 for Part two – Surrogacy and IVF