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Inquiry into Domestic Violence and Gender Inequality

The Senate Finance and Public Administration References Committee (“SFPARC”) is investigating and preparing a report in regard to gender inequality and its contribution to the prevalence of family violence. The SFPARC is currently requesting input from relevant bodies for their investigation and report.

The report will focus on:

  1. The role of gender inequality in all aspects of life which contribute to the pervasiveness of domestic violence;
  2. The role of gender stereotypes which contribute to conditions which support domestic violence, including messages conveyed to children and young people through:
    • The marketing of toys and products;
    • Education; and
    • Entertainment; and
  3. The role of the government and government initiatives in addressing the underlying causes of domestic violence, including the commitments under the National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children.

In August 2015, the SFPARC completed an inquiry in regard to domestic violence.  The previous report focused on:

  1. The prevalence and impact of domestic violence in Australia, in general and particularly:
    • Women with a disability; and
    • Women from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds;
  2. The factors contributing to the present levels of domestic violence;
  3. The adequacy of policy and community responses to domestic violence;
  4. The effects of policy decisions regarding housing, legal services and women’s economic independence on the ability of women to escape domestic violence; and
  5. How the Federal Government can best support, contribute to and drive the social, cultural and behavioural shifts required to eliminate violence against women and their children.

The current report will focus more specifically on gender inequality and domestic violence.

Nicholes Family Lawyers await the report which is due to be released on 24 August 2016.

By Nicholes Family Lawyers


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