A Melbourne woman has recently had her marriage annulled following her discovery that what she believed to be a prank […]...
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Polyamorous Relationships in Australian Family Law: Navigating Property Settlements and Legal Recognition
In recent years, there has been a growing acceptance and discourse surrounding diverse forms of relationships, including polyamory. Polyamory, which […]...
Read moreEx parte applications, urgent hearings and injunctions – what are they and when do they occur?
Some family law matters are so urgent that immediate relief from the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (the […]...
Read moreSame-sex marriage equality: a global review
Since the Netherlands became the first country to legalise same-sex marriage in 2001, there have been significant and positive changes […]...
Read moreThe consideration of gender dysphoria in allocating parental responsibility – Re Ash (No 4) [2024] FedCFamC1F 777
In Re Ash (No 4) [2024] FedCFamC1F 777 (Re Ash), the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia addressed whether […]...
Read moreBank of Mum and Dad: loans vs gifts
Many couples rely on the ‘Bank of Mum and Dad’ to help purchase a house, assist with mortgage repayments, utilities […]...
Read moreFamily Law Amendment Act 2024: strengthening protections against family violence in property settlements
The Australian Commonwealth Parliament passed the Family Law Amendment Act 2024 (the Act) on 29 November 2024. This is a […]...
Read moreThe Harman Undertaking: an intersection between criminal and family law
Although family law and criminal law traditionally operate in separate spheres, there are instances where the two intersect, such as […]...
Read moreWhere will the children spend Christmas?
With Christmas approaching, my partner and I have recently separated. How do we decide who gets the kids during the […]...
Read moreJapan to change long-standing sole custody laws
Japan will introduce major reform to its family law legal framework following the first significant legal change regarding parental authority […]...
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